Our All Heavenly Father Is Love For All Cosmos

Aus Schulrecht Rheinland-Pfalz
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God is Passion and loves all world beyond cultures and religious belief. Beyond borders , ages and gender . While some people may belief that The Nazarene belongs to a particular religion or even a individual country , God blessed his first born to come to the planet to educate Love and bring the message " Our all heavenly father is love". That is a global project and all the teachings and benedictions Jesus of Nazareth brought to this planet as a gift of love from God is for all people missing love in living.

When you look in a unclouded sky nighttime up and see all the stars. The you see a tiny little part of the physical existence our heavenly father created . Beyond the visible parts of stars we see, there will probably be many times more stars, universes and galaxies invisible to human eyes. In addition to all the creations of physical universes, there are existences beyond the physical world in the spiritual world .

All that plus more is what made by One God for all who created all. One heavenly creator of passion who loves all, You included.

God is:
The Maker of all creators
The source of all origins
The root of all love
The father of all fathers
There is and always was but one God
and supreme being is love

The more you focus on above facts and open up your heart and soul for God, the more alleviating love you may feel flowing into your heart and soul. To understand in your heart that our all heavenly father is love and nothing else but love finally will dissolve all worry about heavenly father that has been instructed on earth the past few thousand years.

Hod never punishes . Never ever. If you are you looking for more information on How Does Kriya Pranayama Perfect Your Spiritual Advancement. God always is forgiving all, over and over again . God always gives all another opportunity if you mess up an try. If you mess up a marriage , you either may reconcile or splitting of marriages and after you studied all the fault made, God may direct you another loving mate into your life to be happy and practice love .

The forgiving nature of Our heavenly father is the essence why we still are alive on our world full of hate for each other. When you cautiously and neutrally look at all the different cultures, faiths and economic situations on earth, then you see and realize even in your heart, that mankind has created hellhole instead of basking such a mind blowing world. Our planet might be a Eden , yet the missing readiness to forgive, to reconcile and to give liberty to others has made a human made hell . Our entire world is fundamentally a planet at war . A global war beyond military warfare. We have an economical war , political war , drug war, corruptness war aside from the hundreds of millions involved in real military war .

There is no individual nation where citizens have genuine full supreme being given liberty to undertake what ever they love to do, when they love to do and how they love to live . Our heavenly father however gives all the freedom to explore different path, different life style and various methods to trade in or exchange with each other.

How can you get just about Heavenly father and start a direct communicating with Our heavenly father ?

Take time for Our heavenly father . Peaceful private time in nature. God is beyond all faiths , thus our all heavenly father also is outside all churches as much as inside. Most of the time it is easier to find access to God in your life if you are ready to accept Our heavenly creator anywhere in your life. At home, at work or when walking in nature. Communication with is easiest where ever you find or create peaceful moments in life . An ideal home to begin praying to our heavenly father and communing with our heavenly creator may be extended nature walks or moments of prayers and meditation at home. For your home it may be a good idea to develop a niche, a sitting area reserved only for prayers and meditation .

As a daily reminder of the real being of heavenly father = heavenly father is love, instructive can become God wallpapers on your background monitor or printed our heavenly father is love cards or prayer cards as a daily reminder of God loving you. Such small reminders in day by day living may for certain make it easier to refocus your very personal and professional precedences in life toward resolutions of love rather than a war and law suits.

Use optical reminders to refocus on our all heavenly father and love in your lifetime .

God cards and prayer cards are here to help you in your daily life to refocus again and again all your love toward the one goal in life, to return home to God by the end of your life on earth. God cards are loving reminders, for your best friends as much as for your foes, that it is the perfect time to love. supreme being made you to his image . our heavenly creator is love, thus you too are made to love. our heavenly father 's healing power can free you and heal your heart, heart and soul. When you focus on our heavenly creator 's power of healing love, then you always can find inspiration to design solutions of love inspired by our all heavenly father in your own life. Do repeatedly the prayer for love and open for God .

heavenly father is love. Christ is love. Jesus Love heals and frees you if you open for heavenly father and passion.

With Jesus of Nazareth teachings of love and accurate results of passion for all hardships of life time , the "Spiritual Treasures - Final Edition" may perhaps be your day by day guide toward oneness with our heavenly creator on a path of passion.